Different people have different opinion about this interesting article.

Different people have different opinion about this interesting article.

There are several aspects to touch upon:

1. Superfoetation: Superfoetation involves getting twins from two different males during the same term of pregnancy. Though the pregnancy hormone is supposed to shut off the second ovulation, there are instances when a woman could get pregnant again during the term of the pregnancy. More details about superfoetation and superfecundation soon.

2. STD and its impact during pregnancy, and after childbirth: Multiple sexual partners increases the odds for STI and STDs during the time of pregnancy that certainly could impact the baby.

3. Certain research studies suggest that women with multiple sexual partners at the same time are more prone to substance disorder later on.

4. There is also an argument that the baby bonds even during the foetal stage with the man who happens to be primary partner during that time, and having multiple sexual partners might affect the mental framework of baby even during the pregnancy stage. (Working on this research, and will get back to you soon).
Diferentes personas tienen una opinión diferente sobre este interesante artículo.

Hay varios aspectos a tocar:

1. Superfoetation: Superfoetation implica obtener gemelos de dos hombres diferentes durante el mismo término si el embarazo. Aunque se supone que la hormona del embarazo cierra la segunda ovulación, hay casos en que una mujer puede quedar embarazada de nuevo durante el embarazo. Más detalles sobre superfoetation y superfecundación pronto.

2. ETS y su impacto durante el embarazo y después del parto: Las parejas sexuales múltiples aumentan las probabilidades de ITS y ETS durante el embarazo que sin duda podrían afectar al bebé.

3. Ciertos estudios de investigación sugieren que las mujeres con múltiples parejas sexuales al mismo tiempo son más propensas al trastorno de sustancias más adelante.

4. También existe el argumento de que el bebé se une incluso durante la etapa fetal con el hombre que resulta ser la pareja principal durante ese tiempo, y tener múltiples parejas sexuales podría afectar el marco mental del bebé, incluso durante la etapa de embarazo. (Trabajando en esta investigación, y le responderemos pronto).

Originally shared by Women's Health

"One guy was totally perplexed by pregnancy sex." http://spr.ly/6261DryO7