This has been an issue not only here, but also in many other places around the globe.

This has been an issue not only here, but also in many other places around the globe.

If we were to look at recent events across the globe, number of landslides, flooding, sinkholes has increased. The rate of earthquakes has also increased.

When we deep drill, mine and impact deep natural structures repeatedly and excessively combined with draining deep water acquifers from earth surface layers, we are prone to see such natural calamities more often. This was discussed by our founder couple of years back while also submitting a patent publication, on developing devices for early detection of earthquakes. These natural calamities are prone to increase with more fluctuations in weathering phenomenon such as drought followed or preceded by excessive rainfall events.

These events are also magnified by lack of proper legal processes, corruption, and lack or misuse of law. For that matter, many constructions could lack proper planning, and deviate from general city permits, while extending paperwork (based on literary evidences). For example, a 750 Sq feet house sold all of a sudden could become a 800 Sq ft multiple apartment complex.

Also, as journalistic and literary evidences suggest, many of these constructions tend to be built by contractors without proper education due to network system in place, whereas many qualified graduating civil engineers still waiting for opportunities. Education alone is not enough, but with climate changes and population increases, there is more need for structured planning, which would require certain level of engineering and planning skills. Most importantly, we need imagination, and innovation skills to develop next generation, resource efficient structures.

When it comes to valuation of houses, inflation has been the name of the game. We can come up with any estimate for any real estate market by inflating the valuation. For example, there are places where real estate valuation increased by 10 fold in 15 - 20 years, whereas wages are no way keeping up with that pace. As with US, many properties in many other parts of the world tend to be investor or contractors-owned supported (sometimes, could be the same investors) by a badmaash network at times, giving leeway to inflate valuation.

More detailed report soon from our TrainGuard, Analytics, FactBook and QuantSavers team.

Originally shared by Chris Kim A

Every day, miners remove 5,500 to 6,000 truckloads of sand (about 20 tons each) from the scenic beachfronts and 17 river basins of Tamil Nadu in India, according to the state government.

India is hungry for sand. Fueled by a real estate boom estimated to generate $180 billion annually by 2020, India is digging 500 million metric tons of sand every year, feeding an industry worth more than $50 billion. And India's hunger is bound to increase, as the government plans to build about 60 million new affordable homes between 2018 and 2024.

But this sand boom has left locals and ecosystems hurting: river and beach-dependent communities in Tamil Nadu see their livelihoods continuously threatened, while habitats and local food chains lose their balance.


  1. ,,,,yes,,,we care for the future generation, ,but the sad fact is the selling of votes in election by even a section of so called educated,,is the root cause,,


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