Our Founder's Educational Background.

Our Founder's Educational Background.
Short intro from our Founder.

Educational Learning Leadership - There is a story about how Nobel Laureate Feynman mastered the art of learning in different areas, and came up with a methodology towards learning.

When I started learning, I had no clue on mental models of learning, but it was a logical decision on my part to learn various areas to make myself more marketable over the years aligning with my personal traits.

Later on, with EYE (Expanding my Experience through Education and Exposure), I also started connecting my expanding knowledge with different perspectives.

This model of continuous improvement has been constantly and consistently helping me to interpret and solve problems from various angles.


Educational Learning Leadership - There is a story about how Nobel Laureate Feynman mastered the art of learning in different areas, and came up with a methodology towards learning.

When I started learning, I had no clue on mental models of learning recommended by Feynman, but it was a logical decision on my part to learn various areas to make myself more marketable over the years aligning with my personal traits.

Later on, with EYE (Expanding my Experience through Education and Exposure), I also started connecting my expanding knowledge with different perspectives on the same topic of discussion.

This model of continuous improvement has been constantly helping me to interpret and solve problems from various angles.