There is no such thing as perfect capitalism or socialism.

There is no such thing as perfect capitalism or socialism.

In this day and age, the economic system we have is "Conveniencism" or even "Cronyistic debtastic stealism".

What do I mean by that?
Insurance, Filing of Bankruptcy are all socialism to some extent, where there is pooling of risks.

Instead of higher risk section of population paying for everything, that risk gets distributed amongst all by making insurance for property, cars and more mandatory, though premiums differ a bit based on risk profile.

This is applicable for health policies too - promoting higher risk lifestyles would result the same. For example, we had mentioned about riskier behavior coming out of addiction. We will give five examples to show what we mean soon, as we have been getting questions after questions about what that really means.

Same thing happened during many of the recent financial crises. "Financial stalwarts" through their derivative offerings (that many were clueless about, including those stalwarts) took uncalled for risks, and brought the market down almost to a complete stand still.

If we were to look at natural resources usage and GHG emissions, do you know, as per data out there, top 10% of the population generate around 50% of GHG emissions, basically meaning that the remaining 90% bearing the brunt for a small section of the population, which is socialism of resources in a way.

What is necessary is pragmatism rather than any current -ism out there. For that to happen, we need fresh and constructive, creative minds to take the mantle around the world at every level.

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