
Good one on Illusion of asymmetric insight.

That person is the luckiest, if the other person brings in some sense to this person.

Nous devons apprendre à adapter notre jeu de rôle en fonction de la situation.

Disney Heiress against tax cuts that gave $12 billion in tax savings to big banks.

Interesting video shows one aspect of what we could expect from IoT.

Second one in this series titled, "Staged or Not"

New Series:

Is this video staged or not?

First video in this series -

Monologue from Shakespeare's, "As you like it" -

Belly Power

Power of Belly

Today's STUD video

Which one is influencing the society more?

Real vs Reel World

WHAT WE SEE IN THIS BIG BANG THEORY VIDEO - Does this happen in the real world?

Today's second video revolving around Steve Jobs is a favorite one on the web.

Going with today's videos and our perspectives, we would like to share a link for a messenger app.

Today's STUD videos revolve around Steve Jobs.

Being election week in US, do you know the historical reason for selecting 1st Tuesday of November to be the...

Funny Friday !! Have a great weekend !!!

As a continuation of our testing process involving development of other relevant features, we have added the ability...

Second example - Horizontal Collage

This collage of images was made using our in-house image combiner app.

Have a great month !!!