Interesting video shows one aspect of what we could expect from IoT.

Interesting video shows one aspect of what we could expect from IoT.

It is not only Google or FB, but the entire ecosystem of industries and their political connections.

For example, there were reports of Smart TV sending out info from the living rooms,

ISPs tracking users' internet usage profile, and sharing personally identifiable information to third parties,

Smart devices potentially overhearing in-house conversations,

Loop-holes in modem/wifi devices resulting in easy hacking targets, and

Even personal emails tracked by corporations.

Even without the microphone, our search behavior is exploited to offer targeted advertisements. Many of the algorithms utilized for searches and other data analytics applications, as pointed out earlier, are learning algorithms, and could mischaracterize individuals in wrong categories while their personal info gets sold to third parties. In addition, as pointed out earlier in one of our articles, there are reports out there strongly supporting companies targeting financially and emotionally vulnerable groups into stereotyped categories such as, 'Ethnic Second-City Struggler'.

On top of that, recent reports suggest that large retail stores have filed for patent to monitor consumer behavior even at a conversation level in stores.

How about other stakeholders involved in such activities?

We already have seen reports on that front over the years at different levels. It is certainly important to utilize such technologies for common good, but looking at gini indices, constant concern about corruption around the globe, it makes us wonder whether such technologies are being largely misused rather than utilized for good causes.

Again, these constant series of reports takes back to our founder's article titled,

Here are some examples.

Example 1:
An AIO entrepreneur, engineer, innovator's new product development could be leaked, even while having discussion with his/her trusted partners.

Example 2:
A creative engineer's new kid's product idea developed after discussing with his child could be stolen right from his house even without his knowledge. Further, even before he could bring that product to market, those with resources could flood the market with related products.

Example 3:
A creative slogan (not slogam 😋) master might have conceived HR slogan to capture the importance of building a team that encompasses right people having right attitude doing right things in the right way as his company's HR focus and slogan, and another company with extensive resources could copy the same slogan to rebrand its company.

Obviously, over time consumers would identify the disconnect between the slogan, and the company's actions, and who really conceived the slogan. Still, the talented slogan master would be forced to wait for the truth to come out.

It is also the reason that our founder pointed out that we might not see the real Einsteins, Ramanujans, and other great talents in the 21st century. Instead, we would be surrounded by half-baked cooks (largely crooks).

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